Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


We were out on a stroll today and decided to try Riley out in a bucket swing and I think she LOVED it!! Oh my, this girl just brings so much joy to my heart!! I am so very blessed!!

Christmas Day 2012

I think Santa was good to us this year!!

 Riley did great meeting Santa!! 
 Salt Dough Ornaments! A new family tradition :-)

 Stockings Mom made for us!

Someone passed out sitting up in Daddy's arms!
 Christmas Day just flat wore her out!!

Daddy putting together the house! Notice how his hand is up...that means, Nicci STOP taking pictures NOW!
 She LOVES her new house!!

 Even the boys got some Christmas joy...a bowl of TURKEY!!
 Riley during her FIRST SNOW!!!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

St Jude Marathon

Well after much anticipation, my first half marathon 5 1/2 months post baby is finished! I honestly wasn't ready for this race and it showed but I crossed the finish line with a record slow race for me at 2:23.

I am just so glad it is over and now I have my sights set on NOLA with a time BELOW 2:15...RUNNERS...I'LL SEE YOU IN NEW ORLEANS!!!
 Sara, my running buddy in NOLA...if I can keep up with her! 
 And of course, a huge THANK YOU to my amazing husband for taking care of Riley during training and the race! I know it was hard for you to sit on the sidelines and watch. I love you very much and am so blessed to have you in my life! 
 My sweet angel made it though yet another race! She's going to be a PRO!