Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 2, 2012

St Jude Marathon

Well after much anticipation, my first half marathon 5 1/2 months post baby is finished! I honestly wasn't ready for this race and it showed but I crossed the finish line with a record slow race for me at 2:23.

I am just so glad it is over and now I have my sights set on NOLA with a time BELOW 2:15...RUNNERS...I'LL SEE YOU IN NEW ORLEANS!!!
 Sara, my running buddy in NOLA...if I can keep up with her! 
 And of course, a huge THANK YOU to my amazing husband for taking care of Riley during training and the race! I know it was hard for you to sit on the sidelines and watch. I love you very much and am so blessed to have you in my life! 
 My sweet angel made it though yet another race! She's going to be a PRO!

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