Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 29, 2012

1st Smile

Well we have hit our fist milestone...a SMILE!!! Daddy came home from work on the 26th and got his hands on her as he usually does. While he was giving her some good lovin, she flashed him her adorable toothless smile to MELT OUR HEARTS!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Riley Meets Nana

Well with the recent loss of my dad's mother, we decided it was time to get Riley together with Nana. Riley is Nana's 8th great grandchild and Nana is the last great grandparent around for Miss Riley. How sweet!

4 Generations 
Nicci, Mom, Nana, and Riley

1 Month Old!

So I would consider the first month a success. We had our ups and downs trying to figure out the whole breast feeding thing, but I think we have it now. So who would have thought that the Similac rep would be like "Bessie" the cow and produce so much milk that we had to purchase a 2nd freezer for our house!! But now we have a mighty large stash for little Miss Riley :-)

We had a tough time getting Riley to cooporate for picture time... 


And I think we have a keeper! 1 Month Old!! her 0-3 onesie is swallowing her! Maybe next month

                                                                           Our set up at night

So far we have made some pretty good progress! She is feeding every 3 hours and sleeping great at night. We swaddle her in what I call her straight jacket and giver her a wubbanub and we are set for the night. Then after her 6am feedings, we have special mommy time and she naps on my chest while I dream of getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Which by the way I'm starting to think I will never get again!! But I will say I would not change it for anything in the world! I love my sweet sweet girl more than anything in the world and we have so many fun times ahead of us!