Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 30, 2011

16 Week Check-Up

Jason and I headed in for our 16 week check up this morning. First we are so excited that this is the LAST appointment that we have to refer to our little miracle as Baby Watson. Come Jan 30th we will know if it is a BOY or a GIRL!
Everything seemed great! Even after the holidays, I only gained 2lbs! WHEW! That number was music to my ears. I must say though that the "weigh in" is the worst part! I feel like I'm on The Biggest Looser and my number is displayed for all to see!
Anyways the doppler had some good reports for us! We got to hear the little boogers heart beat and it was 148...HMMM is it a boy or a girl?? Votes have started coming in and people have moved from the girl side to the boy side. I guess we will find out in 31 days but hey who is counting?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

15 weeks and I feel huge!

So Im starting to wonder...Why do I feel like I have a larger belly than any other person out there that is 15 weeks pregnant? No one else I have ever know has been this big already! Yesterday Jason and I had to go by maternity pants because the rubber band and belly band are just not cutting it anymore.
I sat down tonight and started thinking, do I eat more, or do I eat fat food to make me fat...NOPE and I really have only gained about 4 to 5 pounds so far. So it truly is ALL BELLY!!!

So Im curious, out of all my followers...even though there isn't many...did y'all look the same way? I feel like I have the belly of a 20 to 25 week pregnant person. I mean I know my husband is a huge guy but if this is a glimpse of what is to come in the future with the size of my baby Im going to shoot myself!!! I mean really...OR is there more than one in there....again...shoot myself!

I guess we will find out what the doctor says on Jan 3!
Merry Christmas to everyone!!

Baby Bump 15 Weeks

15 Weeks
Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Baby Bump

11 Weeks

13 Weeks

13 Weeks and Bruno is just starting to think that something is different...

Monday, December 5, 2011

And Baby Makes 3

I got up this morning and got ready for the last appointment of our 1st trimester. I was so nervous, I just wanted to hear the heartbeat and know that baby Watson was growing strong. On the fetal doppler, my gut was confirmed. Baby Watson was rockin right along with a strong heart rate of 164. This confirms my suspicions even more that this is going to be a little girl but Jason is still thinking a boy.
I will go back in 4 weeks just for another regular appointment and then the first week in Feb will be our 20 week appointment and we will have an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby!
Now its time to get serious about where in the world we are going to put this baby!! We are still looking desperately for a renter for the condo at the Lofts and if all runs smoothly then we will probably rent a house on the island and officially start our little family.
Now all we need is some tips on how to get the boys acclemated to the idea that they will NOT be the center of attention any more...that's going to be a tough lesson for one little furry black one!!! Everyone say a little prayer that Baby Watson continues to go strong over the next 6 months!!!