Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 30, 2011

16 Week Check-Up

Jason and I headed in for our 16 week check up this morning. First we are so excited that this is the LAST appointment that we have to refer to our little miracle as Baby Watson. Come Jan 30th we will know if it is a BOY or a GIRL!
Everything seemed great! Even after the holidays, I only gained 2lbs! WHEW! That number was music to my ears. I must say though that the "weigh in" is the worst part! I feel like I'm on The Biggest Looser and my number is displayed for all to see!
Anyways the doppler had some good reports for us! We got to hear the little boogers heart beat and it was 148...HMMM is it a boy or a girl?? Votes have started coming in and people have moved from the girl side to the boy side. I guess we will find out in 31 days but hey who is counting?

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