Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 24, 2011

15 weeks and I feel huge!

So Im starting to wonder...Why do I feel like I have a larger belly than any other person out there that is 15 weeks pregnant? No one else I have ever know has been this big already! Yesterday Jason and I had to go by maternity pants because the rubber band and belly band are just not cutting it anymore.
I sat down tonight and started thinking, do I eat more, or do I eat fat food to make me fat...NOPE and I really have only gained about 4 to 5 pounds so far. So it truly is ALL BELLY!!!

So Im curious, out of all my followers...even though there isn't many...did y'all look the same way? I feel like I have the belly of a 20 to 25 week pregnant person. I mean I know my husband is a huge guy but if this is a glimpse of what is to come in the future with the size of my baby Im going to shoot myself!!! I mean really...OR is there more than one in there....again...shoot myself!

I guess we will find out what the doctor says on Jan 3!
Merry Christmas to everyone!!

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