Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We're Moving!!!

I never thought I would ever see this day! It only took a marriage and baby on the way to win this battle :)
Yesterday was a bit of a whirlwind in this household. We signed a lease on a 3 bedroom house, rented out or condo, hired painter to repaint the condo, and booked movers (all on my first day back at work)! Whew! It wears me out to just think about it!

I am so excited though. We got a house on the island and my favorite thing is that it has a great backyard so the boys are going to be so so happy! And I will be able to enjoy the yard with the new baby in nice weather. So now the real fun begins. I am going to start boxing things up while Jason is traveling, lucky him! And then we move on the 27th THEN on the 30th we find out the sex of the baby! Once we get moved in I will update everyone with pictures but here is a pic of the house for now.

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