Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Riley's BIRTHday

Riley is here!!!

It all started Wednesday night at dinner when I started having contractions but I wasn't sure what they were until they never went away and only happened quicker and with more intense pain. Thursday morning we went to the OB but I was only 1 1/2 cm and 70% effaced so he sent us home. It wasn't until Thursday night that they got unbearable. So back in the car to the OB we went on Friday morning. We got there and he knew by the look in my face that it was time to go!! We were 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced...Here we go!!
We got to the hospital and got all checked in and by the time I was in the bed and doing blood work, I was in pretty severe pain and a little concerned that I wasn't going to have time for an epidural because we were progressing so quickly. Finally relief came and I got the epidural and within 2 hours we were ready for the OB to come and deliver her. He was pretty shocked when he was paged back to the hospital for us as he thought it wasn't going to happen until about 6 pm. At around 2 everyone was kicked out of the room and Dr DeWane came and and started pushing. After 3 pushes I got to see that sweet baby girl!!

Riley Elizabeth Watson
Born: June 15, 2012
Time: 2:23 p.m.
6 lbs 14 oz
19 1/2 in long

Just after the epidural, we had to have a little extra O2 as Riley was unimpressed with labor.

 She had so much hair that our nurse gave her a little mohawk :)
Look at that head of hair!!
 6 LB 14 OZ of sweetness!
 First picture of daddy and Riley

 First family photo: The Watson's Family of 3

1 comment:

  1. Yay for photos! Thanks for sharing these precious moments, Nicci!
