Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 29, 2012

7 miles + a bathroom break

Well as I was laying on the couch eating yet another snickers, yes I raided the Halloween candy AGAIN, I decided it was time to get off my tail and go for a run. 7 miles was on my plan and I will have to admit I was dreading it! This running thing post baby has been hard for me. I'm not used to struggling just when I run 3 miles. I can't even tell you the last time I was unable to do a 5k with out stopping and truly it makes me feel like a total fat kid up the street! Note to self: NEVER make fun of all the fat people out there running because you now are one :-)
But anyway I got up and did it! It felt great!!! I took a hammer gel before I left and then again at about 3.5 miles and I just have to brag while still on my runners high...I NEVER STOPPED!!! the whole 7 miles I NEVER STOPPED!!! Total time 1:13...slow...but it's done...all done!! WhooooHooooo What an accomplishment for me! But one thing that did happen was an unexpected potty break! Whoops! Yup totally peed on myself! But at least I had on black half tights so no one knew except me and now all of you! But hey...don't pro athletes pee on themselves too??? Of course theirs is for their pr and mine was because I had a baby and obviously need to do some kegels!!

Happy running day to all you Runners! Its a beautiful day!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I found this about running and thought I would share with all you other runners out there.

Check out this page.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

4 Months and Rice Cereal

Somebody turned 4 months old!! She is a little small but we are working on getting bigger.

And then we decided to try out rice cereal for the first time. Well let me just say I don't think she was a fan!! But this new mommy  made a few mistakes. First I BF her for a little bit which I soon learned was not a good idea! Then  I followed the directions on the box for a first rice cereal feeding which I again learned was not a good idea! We will try again tonight and see if we get a happier baby girl!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Confessions of a recovering runner

So this has been a longer road than I ever thought it would be. I don't know why I thought I would just be able to get out and run like I used to right afar having a baby, but I am determined!! I am doing better but so much slower than I used to be and if you are a runner, then you know how hard that is to accept.

St Jude is just over 1 month away and my longest run has only been 5 miles! WHOA! That's some slack training huh? But I wrote myself a training program the other day and I know I can do this! So here's to getting back into my running groove!! Ill be back and then comes New Orleans!!

Each and every run consists of me verbally saying "I can do this" and I CAN!! I know I CAN!!! Ill see all you runners out there soon, maybe a little slower than what I'm used to but Ill be there which is more than I can say for all those people sitting on their couches...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Green Card Baby!!

Well after 17 years, Jason FINALLY got his green card in! We are so excited we don't even know what to do. We went to Homeland Security a few weeks ago and had our interview and passed with flying colors. Then it was just a waiting game to actually receive the card in the mail. Then of course it came while Jason was out of town...but all that matters is that it came!!! So of course a night a Raifords was in store...which I STILL regret. Who knew turning 30 and having a baby would make your hangovers last 3 days and going...