Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 18, 2014

Baby Tucker Henry Watson

Well here we are due August 20, 2014 and it is August 18 and I'm STILL pregnant! Apparently Tucker is loving his current home and is totally uninterested in meeting the outside world. I went to the OB last Monday for my 39 week check up and I was only 1cm and he was measuring 7 1/2 lbs (on the large side). Then I went in this morning for my 40 week checkup and I was not even 1.5 cm...so no change really! SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! Who REALLY makes it to their 40 week check up especially with their second child? Me that's who!

But the good news is that the end is in sight! We have an induction date set up for Monday August 25, 2014 just in case he doesn't decide to come meet his loving family before then!

That's our update...we will keep everyone posted if any action happen before the 25th!

Love a very large and tired of being pregnant mommy!

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