Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

World: Meet Tucker Henry

It all started on Monday August 18, 2014. I went in to the OB for my 40 week check up (due August 20). And to my disappointment, Dr DeWane said that I was still just 1cm...really? 1 cm...UGH! Here I was again, going to carry the entire 40 weeks! So I was scheduled to be induced that following Monday if Tucker had not come before then.
 36 Weeks
 37 Weeks
39 Weeks
39 Weeks 5 days...UGH I am about to POP!!!
So on Tuesday August 19, I kept Riley home because I had to take her to the pediatrician. I dropped her off at mom's office that morning so I could go look at a new day care. I called mom and had her and Riley meet me at Panera for a quick lunch before we headed to the doctor for Riley's appointment.

While sitting at lunch and talking, I thought I had wet my pants. I hopped up and ran to the bathroom. I didn't think much of it, because lets be honest, this has happened quite a bit during this pregnancy. I moved on, grabbed Riley and headed to the doc. I was in the waiting room chatting to a friend when the nurse called us back. I stood up and went to grab my purse and noticed the seat had a puddle of water on it. I was mortified, so I just didn't say anything and took Riley on back. Dr Hanson can in straight away without any wait at all and said that he just had a feeling and wanted to get us in and out so I didn't have a baby in the office...(how weird!!!)

I left the office and called my OB from the car and Tracy said, Yes that is my water breaking and to go straight to the hospital!!! YAY!!! the time is finally here!

I called mom and told her to meet me at the house to take Riley and I called Jason in the middle of his meeting and told him its GO TIME!! He rushed home as well. I actually put on one of Riley's diapers to try and be able to actually make it to the hospital.

We checked into the hospital at 1pm and were put in a room just before 3 and received my epidural at 3pm. At about 3, I was only 3cm...but by 5:15 I was ready to push and sure enough Tucker was ready to come meet his family!

I pushed 3 times (same as Riley) and I held my son in my arms at 5:26pm. He was a chunk! 8.75lbs and 20.25 in long...I had a feeling he was big but I never would have imagined that he was this big! What an amazing moment to meet my son for the first time. And his daddy...wow was he a proud daddy!! It just made me fall in love with Jason all over again. Our family will never be the same and I would not change it for anything in the world! God has blessed us with 2 amazing, beautiful and healthy children! My heart is so full!

 Waiting to meet our little man!

 Oh the contractions....

 He's here!!!!!!
 What a chunk
 Daddy's first looks with Tucker
 Mommy's first looks with Tucker
 Now that is one proud Daddy!

 Riley meeting Tucker for the first time! She was so excited and so proud of her little brother. She just kept saying, "it MY Tucker" and all she wanted to do was love on him and hold him. I could not be more proud as a mom to see such love between these two!

 Tucker bought Riley a Sofia the First nightgown
 and some stamps...and yes Tucker got his first stamp on his arm on day 1 of life

 So much love!!!

 Our first picture as a family of 4. And yes Riley is wearing her PJ gown which is NOT what I had picked out but hey...you have to pick your battles and I was just too tired for this to be one of them (not to mention it was like 8 pm)
 And of course its driving me crazy that his weight is written wrong on his crib card! #OCD
 We are home!!!!


Tucker on the left and Riley on the Right (day 1 of life)

 Sibling love! Riley just loves her real life doll!

My heart is so full as I sit here and post these pictures. I am just so in love with my little family! Here is to a lifetime of happiness and health!!!! I love you Jason, Riley and Tucker! Thank you for making my dreams come true!

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