Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Lately I have been wondering how I am going to do it all. How am I going to raise my daughter, take care of my crazy dogs, clean, do the dishes, cook, go to grocery store, laundry, breast feed, pump, work out, spend time with my husband so we continue to grow our relationship and oh yea work a full time job too! Whew! How do you even do it and I only have one child!! Sometimes I get so overwhelmed that I just don't know where to turn and I just get so frustrated. Then I came across a blog a friend of mine posted on Facebook and I just had to share!

So if you ever feel like I do, then check out this blog posting.

Rolling Over

TEAR!! My baby is growing up too fast!! Saturday, I was hanging out with her having tummy time and she just looked up at me and over she went!! I just couldn't believe it! I just started screaming and crying all at the same time! This proud mommy is just beside herself. I am just so in love with my little family. God is soooo Good!!!!


Post Baby Goal Achievement!!

Yup my goal was to do 3 miles by the end of the week and be happy with my performance and that I am! I just wanted to accomplish 3 miles today and I happened to throw in a few surprises for myself this morning. I'm not really sure why, but I did!

So I got up this morning and took little bit to school, laced up my shoes and off I went. What I didn't realize was that there were 18 mph winds that I would be facing the entire way back...the run out was great because I had a little friend, named the WIND, pushing me right along down the river. Then around the roundabout and yup over the bridge! Whoop whoop! I had forgotten how hard that bad boy was until I got to the railroad tracks and then it hit me...I have to run back over it to get home! LOL!! I didn't think that one though, I just got a little too excited! So off I went. After battling the brutal winds I made it back! 3.1 miles in 30:24...a tad slow for my taste but hey this is only my 2nd week of running in a year so I'll take it! Baby steps right??

St Jude here I come, but hopefully with a little less fat!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Running off the baby fat

Well it's been one week since I have been out on my second attempt to start running off this baby fat again! Let's see attempt one was a complete FAIL considering a peed on myself while running but this second attempt has been much much better!!
It's hard getting back out there and realizing that things jiggle now that never used to! Plus it's hard to accept that your "I am a runner" statement is no longer the truth! Now I am a runner in recovery. It's hard to realize and accept that you can't bounce back that quickly. It's going to take a lot of hard work and dedication but thankfully I have an amazingly supportive husband who walks Riley while I attempt to run.
I know now for me to be ready to run St Jude, I just have to focus and not loose sight of the end goal: 13.1 miles in 2:25...I know that doesn't seem like a great goal but I'm 3 months post baby and running 2.5 miles at a 10 min mile pace! Whew...that's like turtle pace!! But I will get there!
The ULTIMATE goal is to  beat my PR at the New Orleans Half. Its a flat course and its 5 months away! Bring it New Orleans! I'm ready to show you what this mama is made of, minus a little fat and cellulite!
Time to play the mental battle of running distance and knock this training out!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!

Today was just one of those days! I'm just so glad that it is coming to an end! I thought it was going to be great because Riley had slept through the night and I had a pretty easy day at work. The plan was to get out of my lunch, run to the grocery, pick up the boys, drop them off at home, pick Riley up at day care and get her home in time to nurse her by 4. It all seemed pretty do-able until lunch ran an hour longer than I thought it would. Then came the down pour of bad luck!!
I decided I didn't have time for the grocery store so I just headed to get the boys. After I got them all loaded in the car, I pulled out on the street and then my tire blew out. So I pulled into some random parking lot, with no shade of course! So there I am sitting here in an random parking lot with no trees, a cooler of freshly pumped breast milk, 2 crazy dogs who are getting hot by the way!!! Really?? In the back of my mind all I kept thinking was "I have to get to Riley because I didn't send her to school with enough pumped milk" I did have some emergency formula at the school but I am just really trying to exclusively breast feed. Funny how the Similac rep is adamant about exclusively breast feeding LOL I sure am a walking advertisement for my job huh? But my customers seem to like and respect my decision even more knowing what I do for a living.
So I called mom and Jason all panicked and to the rescue they came! Mom came and picked up my dogs so they wouldn't get overheated and Jason headed straight to pick up little bit. I called the fleet company and scheduled someone to come change my tire. Of course by the time Jason could get to Riley, they had had to give her a Similac bottle...oh well what do you do! That's why its there, for emergency situations and that sure is what we had today! Then on top of all of this, my cell phone decided it was only going to work while it was on speaker phone! I mean really, what a great time for my phone to crap out!
After the nice man came and changed my tire I went and picked up moms dog for her since she had mine and headed home...going 50 mph on the interstate. All that know me well know this was the hardest thing for me to do!
I got a time at the tire place scheduled for tomorrow with a rental car so I don't miss a beat. Then when I got home we noticed that Bruno has ring worm and we noticed a spot on Riley's foot that could possible be ring worm as well! So I scheduled a vet and pet appointments for tomorrow as well.
So my calm and relaxing Friday with my baby girl turned into a rental car, tire shop, vet appointment, Pediatrician office and prepping for Jason and I's interview at the Immigration office! WHEW!!! Is this really my life as a mommy and wife? If so, I think I kinda LOVE it even with all the chaos!

Traveling with an Infant...Oh my!

So over the past two weeks, we have taken our 2 1/2 month old infant on 2 trips and in 3 different time zones. I have learned many, many things while traveling and thought I'd share my tips!

1. First make sure that you call the airline and let them know that you are traveling with an "infant in arms" so that they put you in the appropriate seat, one with a child oxygen mask. Then if your little one could possibly be mistaken for under two, then I would bring their birth certificate.

2. When going through security, you have to carry your baby in your arms and send your ergo or seat and stroller on the belt. Make sure you take your wipes out and put them on top or they will have to go through your bag, touching all your stuff with their dirty hands!!

3. Make sure and change your little ones diaper just before you board because there is no where to change a diaper on an airplane unless you are tiny enough to do it on your lap in your seat!

4. As far as traveling around and carrying baby, I found these two options the best. Use a carrier if you have a car seat and stroller already at your destination. But if you were like me and needed your seat and stroller once you got there, then you can do like I did and purchase a cover for my car seat and a cover for my stroller. This way I was able to carry her through the airport in her stroller (giving my arms a much needed rest) and then gate check them and feel confident that they would come back in the condition that I left them! These covers saved my seat and stroller from totally being beat up like our luggage is because lets face it, flying is rough on our belongings!

5. Nurse, nurse, nurse!!! I nursed Riley on take off and landing of each leg of our flights and she never even flinched with ear problems! But if your aren't nursing then give a bottle or pacifier. Make sure that they suck the entire time during take off and landing and you should be good to go! I used a nursing cover for privacy and because you never know who will be sitting next to you! It's a 50/50 chance its a female! And another life saver is a travel nursing pillow. This thing saved my life!! Remember, you have to hold your baby the entire flight so if it's a long one, you will want somewhere to rest your arms with your little one in your arms.

6. I also made sure to have lots and lots and fun and stimulating toys! Books, bright toys, anything really that keeps your little one entertained for long periods of time and of course a pacifier!! Whew, don't know what I would do without that life saver!

7. Pre-ship diapers to your destination! I didn't think of this but learned this tip from a friend! What a great idea because let's face it, babies go through a lot of diapers and they sure do take up a lot of room in your luggage!

8. I don't know about you, but I refused to rent a crib at a hotel so I borrowed a pack n play from a friend at my destination. But had that option not been available, I was looking into purchasing a travel crib which would have worked just fine in a hotel room and certainly would take up a lot less space than a full size crib or pack n play!

9. Also, cleaning bottles/pump parts can be challenging in a hotel room but I just put a little bit of my Tommee Tippee soap in a travel bottle and checked it with my luggage to wash bottles and pump parts. But as far as warming bottles in the room, we just used the coffee pot! Make a pot of coffee minus the coffee and bam you have hot water for warming a bottle!!

10. As far as bathing goes, I just put her in the bath tub with me and she had a ball but you can also use an inflatable tub for the older ones or a collapsible sling if you really want to be fancy!

I think that just about sums it up! I hope that at least one mommy gets some worthwhile advice from this, I sure do wish I had this when I was trying to pack and plan our trips! Oh and allow yourself about a whole entire day to pack! Lol!!!