Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Running off the baby fat

Well it's been one week since I have been out on my second attempt to start running off this baby fat again! Let's see attempt one was a complete FAIL considering a peed on myself while running but this second attempt has been much much better!!
It's hard getting back out there and realizing that things jiggle now that never used to! Plus it's hard to accept that your "I am a runner" statement is no longer the truth! Now I am a runner in recovery. It's hard to realize and accept that you can't bounce back that quickly. It's going to take a lot of hard work and dedication but thankfully I have an amazingly supportive husband who walks Riley while I attempt to run.
I know now for me to be ready to run St Jude, I just have to focus and not loose sight of the end goal: 13.1 miles in 2:25...I know that doesn't seem like a great goal but I'm 3 months post baby and running 2.5 miles at a 10 min mile pace! Whew...that's like turtle pace!! But I will get there!
The ULTIMATE goal is to  beat my PR at the New Orleans Half. Its a flat course and its 5 months away! Bring it New Orleans! I'm ready to show you what this mama is made of, minus a little fat and cellulite!
Time to play the mental battle of running distance and knock this training out!

1 comment:

  1. You look great! Keep up the good work! You know you will back at it in no time!
