Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1st Day of Day Care

Well the day is finally here! It's time for me to go back to work and for Riley to head off to day care at FLICC. I must say, I'm having a few mixed emotions...I'm actually excited to get back out in the field and see all my customers but on the other hand I am going to miss that little toothless smile! This is just more incentive to get out and get it finished so I can go pick up that little girl!!
It has taken me two days to get ready but I think we have it all: diapers, wipes, 2 changes of clothes, Kleenex (not sure why but that was on our list), blanket, wubbanub, extra pacifier, diaper rash cream, pumped milk, bottles and of course our new backpack ;-) I just couldn't help myself!!

This everything I had to take for her 1st day!  Talk about pre-planning :-)

All strapped in our seat and ready to head to Day Care!

Riley testing out her new crib...she loves looking out of her new window!
Mommy saying goodbye to her little one!

Bye Bye Momma!!!

My first successful time pumping in the car while at work! Wonder how that's going to work with Brain riding with me next week???
Well our first day was a success! They said she adjusted wonderfully. The teachers said that she slept most of the day and was just quiet as can be while she was up...no fussing! That makes me one proud momma!! She is now sacked on my chest soaking up some love!! And at the end of the day, I did miss little bit but it was good to be back out in the field and to see all my customers!

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