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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Working Rep and Breastfeeding

Since I took this job with Abbott, I always knew that I would breastfeed little bit for the immune benefits but what I didn't realize is the life of a rep while breastfeeding. It's not like the day of a working mom who has a desk/office job. No, no those women have air conditioner, refrigerators, private pumping rooms, and privacy!
Well let me just tell you how it goes for moms who are reps and breast feeding.
So here is how my day went today. My DM came to work with me today so I nurses little bit before I took her to day care. Then I went and picked him up and at 10:45 I needed to pump...hmmmm how do you do that in a car, with you DM and NO PRIVACY!!
Well, you park in the Methodist Germantown Hospital parking garage, so you can have shade of course, then you kick him out of your car and start pumping. As far as the people that pass you in the garage staring, well just ignore them! Ha!
Then, after leaving my DM and heading home, it comes time to pump again. Well here we go, strap on your hands free pumping bra, get all hooked up , put the car in drive and hop on the interstate. Just ignore all the stares again and smile at the truck drivers as they peer in your car and then give you a loud honk!!
Ahhhhh the life of a pumping mom who is a rep! I just do what I gotta do to fill this freezer for my baby girl!

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