Tucker Henry

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Louisville Ironman

This past weekend Jason, Riley, my mom and I headed to Louisville for the race. I honestly cannot believe that it is already here!
I was so nervous about flying with REW for the first time but she did awesome! I nursed her on the take off and she was so passed out on the landing that she wouldn't even wake up to nurse. But the good news is, she didn't make a peep! I was one proud mamma!

Saturday, we just tried to help out the boys and just be there to calm their nerves. Jason, Nick, Carolyn, Greg, Kelly and I went to Gordon Biersch and had a few drinks and some lunch/early dinner. Then off to CVS to buy some snacks for race day and supplies to make posters to cheer on the boys. After a good nights sleep it was time for race day! I know the boys were nervous, but I'm not going to lie so was I! It's so hard to watch these races not knowing where your husband is on the course, if he is ok, or anything! I just always worry that he has crashed...so it was time to put my anxiety aside and get some sleep so I could go out there and support him!

 On Sunday we got up at 5:00am and got all ready to head down to the Ohio River to see the start of the race. After the 30 min walk with Riley, we finally made it to the start line. It was mass chaos and Riley certainly didn't like the loud music and speakers but we finally found Jason and Nick. After one last kiss to his little girl they hopped in the river and did their 2.4 mile swim.

 After they finished the swim, we met them at T1 and cheered them to the start on their 112 mile ride. They both had a great swim and a good transition and then hopped on their bikes! This is where the fun begins. Thank goodness for the Athlete Tracker App!!! I really don't know what Carolyn and I would have done without it! It allowed us to see what mile there on and what their pace was so that we could anticipate where and when they were going to be at our viewing spots! Why have we not had these at any races in the past? Oh my gosh!!!

Fortunately Jason hired Barry from BarryS Coaching and he had a great spot for us to catch them at mile 35 and mile 65 on the bike. The boys looked awesome on both check points, especially with the size of the hills they were climbing. And a little love from his baby girl had to help him push forward!

 After seeing both of them at mile 65 it was off to catch them on their run! We had great viewing spots on the run too! We saw them at the start and then mile 14 and then the finish! This is Jason at around mile 14. He was hurting but he knew he could do this! I am just so proud of my husband that it makes me tear up just looking at these!
 This picture of him finishing is just so emotional for me! I knew he was hurting and doubting that he was going to finish. His goal was to cross that finish line by midnight and he did, and with time to spare! I had Barry, his coach, call me when Jason passed him at mile 24 and I ran out into the course and ran with Jason to push him on to the finish. As soon as he took that last turn I told him to look up...the sight of all those lights, people cheering in the athletes and the music was just so inspirational and emotional. I think the emotions got the best of us. I'm pretty sure we were both running and crying at the same time :-)  Just look at the expression on Jason's face, it says it all! Words cannot even describe how proud of him I am. He is my IronMan for sure!

Riley and I's Ironman! We couldn't be more proud of him! What an accomplishment!

Now we are just ready for him to come home and start to spend his weekends with his new family instead of out there training! Welcome back Irondad!!!

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