Tucker Henry

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

8 Week Check Up

Friday we had our 8 week checkup and Riley did a great job. She now weighs 10 lb 10 oz (55th percentile) and is 22 1/2 inches long (79th percentile). So we are making some progress.

All in all Dr Hanson said she looked great. I have been concerned with her little toes since the day she was born and have just kind of put it in the back of my mind. But yesterday I just felt as though I should talk to Dr Hanson about it. On both of her feet, two of her toes over or under lap the toe next to it. Dr Hanson said this is overlapping toes and is probably genetic and we can discuss it later but I just haven't been able to let it go!

Right Foot

Left Foot

As a mom you just don't want anything to be "different" about your child. I feel so silly being upset after meeting a couple this past weekend who welcomed a beautiful baby boy into their family with many serious deformities including a missing arm and several missing fingers. I mean how blessed are we that God gave us this beautiful baby girl!! She is perfect in His eyes and in ours as well, really, she is the absolute world to us!

But I can't help but think of days where she would want to wear sandals or open toes shoes, hang out with friends at the pool, or getting pedicures...kids can just be so cruel. I remember, I was once one of those mean kids!!  What will they say to her about her toes? Will she be embarrassed by how she was made? Will she not ever want to be barefoot in public?

So I sat up all night and looked at "Dr Google" to see what I can learn. So 1 of 2 things can happen. Either this is genetic and will not go away OR it is just from her being cramped in my uterus and it will fix itself when she starts walking. Please pray it's the latter of the 2.

If it is genetic and won't fix itself , there are a few things we can do to help it not be so severe. First we will see a podiatrist and an orthopedic, Jason is going to talk to some people with his foot and ankle division and we will get a consult from the best in town. Second, apparently there are some stretches you can do to help lengthen and relax tendons in the toe and there is a "brace" she can wear at night but all of these are temporary fixes as the toes usually goes right back to overlapping over the other after a few months. Later in life if she is having problems wearing shoes and has pain waking then we have the option of surgery.
I'm probably way ahead of myself looking into all of this with out speaking to a specialists first, but I just cant help myself. As she lies here on my chest sleeping and making the tiniest sweetest noises all I want to do is protect her from anything and everything in this world that could possible cause harm to her! This world really can be a harsh place...how do you just let life happen to your babies??? I guess motherhood is really here...you really never stop worrying about them do you?

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